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Association / Events

The Lieux Numériques (digital spaces) Association brings heritage to life

In partnership with local authorities and the Town of Beaugency, Lieux Numériques, the château’s resident association, organizes events, concerts, workshops, and exhibitions within the château itself and beyond its walls.

A driving force behind a series of events grouped under the name la Belle Saison (the Beautiful Season), one of the Association’s most notable projects was a series of both daytime and nighttime art shows on Place Dunois in 2021. Featuring monumental sculptures, nighttime projections on the thousand-year-old keep known as the Caesar Tower, and illumination of the stained-glass windows of the Notre Dame de Beaugency Abbey Church, the association contributes to enhancing the heritage of Beaugency and the Loiret Department through new artistic practices, electronic music, and live performances.

Works by Jérémie Bellot presented by the Association:

‘Motifs’ (Patterns), light projection on the Caesar Tower

‘La Planète Bleue’ (The Blue Planet), monumental sculpture on the castle square

‘La Danse des Fuseaux’ (The Dancing Spindles), light installation, château main entrance

‘Les Yeux à Facettes’ (Compound Eyes), conical kaleidoscopes on the château square and in the courtyard